We believe the secret to creating great radio commercials is in the preparation, briefing, and brainstorming. When craftfully combined, the radio commercials practically write themselves.
Of course, the best solution is to hire us to write and produce from start to finish… but that is not always in the budget and that’s why we’ve created these offerings.
Maybe you have a limited budget, but still want great radio commercials.
Say you’re a radio station with a big client that needs the best radio spots possible, or you are a small business with a great marketing team that doesn’t have much radio experience. Perhaps you are an ad agency that does killer print and internet but needs help with radio.
Radio is a very different animal than print and internet and we specialize in making the most compelling radio possible – radio that moves listeners to take action, a.k.a. buy your product or service.
The most successful radio commercials are story based. Real human stories with an emotional hook where your product or service provides a solution.
We can help you make great radio that cuts through the clutter and creates more revenue.
The Offerings

The Stunt Pilot – 90 Minutes Expert Brainstorming
You brainstorm with the creative director of the Radio Ranch for 90 minutes to come up with concrete concepts to go and write great spots.

Barnstorming – 90 Minutes Expert Brainstorming
You brainstorm with the creative director of the Radio Ranch for 90 minutes to come up with concrete concepts to go and write great spots.
After you have written those scripts, we will meet for an additional 90 minutes to look over the spots with you and help you with rewrites. We encourage you to over-write by creating 203 scripts per commercial needed and we can address between 3 to 6 scripts in the time allotted.

The Flying Circus – Have your own creative director from start to finish
You brainstorm with the creative director of the Radio Ranch for 90 minutes to come up with concrete concepts to go and write great spots.
After you have written those scripts, we will meet for an additional 90 minutes to look over the spots with you and help you with rewrites. We encourage you to over-write by creating 203 scripts per commercial needed and we can address between 3 to 6 scripts in the time allotted.
After the second rewrites, we will meet one more time for 90 minutes where we make any adjustments and finalize the scripts. Then we dig into casting and production. You can even bring your actors in and have them read live or play audition choices.