by Becca | Jul 9, 2014 | advertising, Dick Orkin
Dialogue with Experience: Where is it now? During the past few years, I have spent less and less time travelling here and abroad doing creative writing workshops. There are likely several reasons for this reduction. I think the most significant was the...
by Becca | May 28, 2014 | advertising, blog, Dick Orkin
Blog RANT on Radio Creativity ADVERTISING by Dick Orkin, Radio-Ranch Creative Why are so many Radio Spots so Dull? One reason is they have become a message dump. Are you looking at a script? Or ticking the boxes on a list of stuff you have to put out there?...
by Becca | May 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
By Dick Orkin “Making the text your own is the key to public speaking, acting and voice over work,” said Patsy Rodenburg. Patsy is a British voice coach, author, and theatre director. She is the Head of Voice at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, and...
by Becca | Apr 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
You mean, I can’t just yell at people to buy my product? Straight advertising copy read by even the most mellifluous of Radio voices has a tendency to sound like other spots on the air: Whether is boasts the same broad or excessive claims, same boring ad lingo...